Thursday, July 21, 2016


- «還是要幸福» 田馥甄 -

Just like the lyrics suggested - don't kiss if you're unsure, as being in a relationship can easily broke a person; it's cruel if you're not harsh enough to leave when the love has faded.

Been mulling over things lately. Mostly curious how couples maintain their relationship, especially now when everyone spend most of the time on working. How can they manage the time? He once said - love is an idea, a concept. Being in love means you find someone that basically share the same concept.

I would say finding someone that you can share anything and everything with and someone that after listening all your shits and still stay, that's love. Because nowadays communication has became too convenient, everyone takes it for granted. If you're single? No problem, there is Tinder out there. If you're bored and wanted someone to talk with? There are plenty chatting apps out there. But you can't feel warmth from all these. Because it's not real, somehow. Once is enough. The one standing right in front you, embrace all your weakness and flaws, giving you a big hug (not just saying) - this is real. Guess I just haven't got the chance to meet this person in real.

A, gimme a hug when we meet next time. I'm in need a big warm hug! :(

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