Thursday, March 31, 2016

Till We Meet Again

Ever since I joined this company, more than 5 colleagues I know had left. What is wrong with it?

Today, another colleague is leaving. Those that stay for quite sometime said this is normal, way too normal. I still can't use to this kind of farewell and leaving.

First, money spent. Regardless welcome or farewell, we'll have to spend, over meals, presents... I'm not saying I'm not willing to pay but is there any meaning by doing this? People came and left, like leaves fall during autumn and grow when it's spring again.

Second, hey, we have made some memories together. Working overtime, helping each other out, gathering... well, now we can say they were memories, but few years down the road? Would we ever remember each other? The memories we made? That we used to work together? I doubt that. Unless we keep in touch.

Third. Keep in touch. Yea, we can do it, at first. But after that? Things change and even people change too. I'm not even sure the keep in touch part. Maybe the contact gets MIA too, after a few months.

Not to say I'm being too negative on this, I'm just being realistic. This is life. And it's cruel. Everything needs to maintain, otherwise they withered away like flowers did.

#handmade card

Aeroplane charm - so that she can fly higher and reach the sky. :)

p/s: the assignment on 'what and where to eat for lunch' has became tougher as we are now shorthanded. We need more people to suggest what to eat for lunch. Sigh. I'll miss those time we emailed each other an hour before lunch, asking what and where to eat.


From scratch. 

And then there's this station almost done. 

Sometimes, I'm pretty amazed by how people build something out of nothing. The same theory applies to the connection and relationship between people. 

When you like a person, no matter what they said, you'll find it interesting or even engross in the conversation; but when you're not, you just hope that they would stop talking to you. 

Such a complexity. Thus, sometimes I prefer being alone rather than engage into a conversation that I don't even have any idea to keep it going. Perhaps I'm being prejudiced to that person. Before I can break it, I really hate myself for being so half-heartedly. So fake.


p/s: stop spending your kindness on me, it's not worth.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016









Monday, March 28, 2016

The Time Keeper

Try imagine a life without timekeeping.

You probably can't. You know the month, the year, the day of the week. There is a clock on your wall or the dashboard of your car. You have a schedule, a calendar, a time for dinner or a movie.

Yet all around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays.

Man alone measures time.

Man alone chimes the hour.

And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other create endures.

A fear of time running out.

Consider the word "time."

We use so many phrases with it. Pass time. Waste time. Kill time. Lose time.
In good time. About time. Take your time. Save time.

A long time. Right on time. Out of time. Mind the time. Be on time. Spare time. Keep time. Stall for time.

There are as many expressions with "time" as there are minutes in a day.

But once, there was no word for it at all. Because no one was counting.

Written by: Mitch Albom

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Extreme Sports Activities

I'm not having a very good temper these days due to the hot weather. So if I read your message but without reply, it's obvious that I'm not in a good mood to reply.

Went skytrex and Viper yesterday. I must be crazy for joining 2 extreme activities in a day. So now I'm basically an OKU. Bruises and aches all over my body.

Can't deny, both are once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm not regret to participate in both activities. But it was my first time reached home at 4 a.m. and my parents didn't chide me for coming home late.

Viper Challenge 2016
Thank you everyone for the teamwork and leave no one behind.

Skytrex Adventure

p/s: the aches seem to be worse now. :/
Thanks and no next time for extreme sports activities. Hahaha.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


是有過幾個不錯對象 說起來並不寂寞孤單
可能我浪蕩 讓人家不安 才會 結果都陣亡

我沒有什麼陰影魔障 妳千萬不要放在心上
我又不脆弱 何況那算什麼傷

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊
妳懂我的 我對妳從來就不會假裝
請別以為妳有多難忘 笑是真的不是我逞強

我好久沒來這間餐廳 沒想到已經換了裝潢
角落那窗口 聞得到玫瑰花香

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊
妳知道的 我缺點之一就是很健忘
是很感謝今晚的相伴 但我竟然有些不習慣

我沒有說謊 我何必說謊
愛一個人 沒愛到難道就會怎麼樣
人生已經如此的艱難 有些事情就不要拆穿

我沒有說謊 是愛情說謊
它帶妳來 騙我說 渴望的有可能有希望
我沒有說謊 祝妳做個幸福的新娘

Lyrics: 魔鏡 - 林宥嘉 說謊

Friday, March 25, 2016


Please don't let me be with a person for too long in a period of time. Or else, I'll hate myself for started to dislike that person. I realised this is my biggest problem. Maybe this is the reason my mom keeps saying I don't get good friends - as she perceives my sister's friends are all good friends.

I must get over that 'dislike' period and only then everything will be okay. I guess that's the period I started to magnify one's bad side. Everything he/she does in that period will start to get on my nerve and I'll try everything to make myself not to behave too obvious. At the end, I'll just hate myself - worst case scenario, I had once threw tantrum to my friends because I seriously hate them at that point of time.

Fortunately, those that passed my 'dislike' period are those who stay in my life. I know I'm quite a troublesome person to be with. I must give a round of applause to those can withstand my temper and my grotesque mood swing. Those who can't, already left, or we just stop talking, no matter how close we were.

Relationship can be so weak sometimes, I wonder how strong relationship is being maintained. Because people changed, from time to time. Some had changed so thoroughly that I thought 'is this the person I used to know?'. Well, changes are good. But I usually being told I've not really changed. Is that a good thing?

I usually click pretty fast with new friends but that click extinguish pretty fast too. Just like wind. For the first year we become friends, you'll see me busy making cards or preparing birthday present because that's the first year of our friendship. I would love to extend our friendship to second year and more. However, that act of mine only lasted for the first year. I get lazy for the following years of our friendship. I mean maybe I'll still make cards, but you can see from the effort I put in. Or maybe I don't even make card, I believe celebration over a good meal is more than enough. Anyway, this can be done with money, so what is the problem?

p/s: My attitude.
Saying further will just make me an ugly person from the inside. I'll never deny, there must be people out there that are just like me.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Until I Say Goodbye

I should end this now, I started thinking. With dignity, on my own terms.

I thought of suicide about as often as you see a butterfly. It would flutter into my mind, and I would study it, marveling at is symmetry. Then it would flit away, and I would forget, for it was only a passing thing.

Until it returned the next day, and the next. Because my mind was a garden. Tended, cultivated, but unchecked on the edges. A perfect place for butterflies.

Written by: Susan Spencer-Wendel

2016 First Quarter

Thanks to someone, I remember the fact that I've got a blog. Time to clear off some dust again.

But probably I just write for myself to read. Since no one really care.

So, what to update for the first post of 2016? That a lot had happened in year 2015 and that first quarter of 2016 is about to come to an end and yet I feel like I had did nothing at all. What should I do with my life? My future?

So I changed job in 2015. Everything is so different from the previous job. I have never really set out my future plan or envision about it. Future, to me is a very abstract and unfamiliar word. They often said future is to be created, by me, myself. And I really have no idea about it.

As if it couldn't get more worse, I lost a 10 years long friendship. I dunno we end up like this and the last conversation we had was she told me to move on. Okay, fine. Since she said so. But I know deep down, it really was my problem after all. I'm narrow-minded, bad temper, sucks at communicating. I dunno how to be good at communication. And I seem to have the ability to make everyone to leave my life. I'm really good at annoying, agitate, and ruining a relationship. Well, I learned my lesson, hopefully. I know in the near future, I'll be doing the same mistake all over again.

I told Alice, I've got an itchy mouth. Something I knew I shouldn't say, but the sentence keeps playing in my mind. At the end I was so frustrated, so I say it out loud and immediately regret for saying it.

p/s: My mind is such a mess now and I think the picture is most likely to describe how my mind is working now.

Photo: Lee JeeYoung