Friday, May 27, 2016


I'm drowning in a pool of negativity
No one can save me besides myself
But my heart is too tired to do so
So I let myself to sink further

They said
To be persistent
To never give up
Just a little bit more
You'll see the light you've been searching all along
That works well for everyone else
But me
I didn't want to be this negative piece of sh*t
I never wanted this
This is not me
But I couldn't talk myself out

What is with me
Every single time when exam is around the corner
Negativity will surely come to me

What should I do to make myself feel better
To quit?
There are voices murmuring behind my mind
Saying you've come so far
Just 5 more
Why don't you complete it
Then only think of what you want to do

5 out of 14
Already more than half
Everyone is taking it so easy
But why is it so hard for me
Will detour make it easy?
But I afraid I'll never come back to it
What if I end up having nothing



When can I catch my dream?

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