Thursday, December 29, 2016


Great intentions become tragic action when delivered without careful thought.
- Michael Dooley -

It was never my intention to write a post that would depress my friends. It was supposed to be my train of thought. I'm at the age whereby everyone is constantly worrying or rather interested to know my relationship status.

So here's the story. My friend's friend, let's call him L, he told my friend that he's interested in me and asked if he can follow my insta. I didn't know it was him until my friend asked me in our whatsapp group. I wasn't interested at all, so I didn't bother.

We gathered the day before my birthday, and they brought this up.
"So how? Did you approve him?"
"Why? We never ask you to go straight to bf/gf stage. We're just asking you to get to know a friend. A new friend."
"Alright. I'll approve now. Okay?"
I immediately approved in front of them, so that they won't bring this up again. Hahaha.

I know sooner or later L will come pm me. Never did I thought that he would wish me on my birthday. But I never asked why he know. I just replied thank you, with an emoticon - to keep my manner in line. He replied further, but I didn't know how to continue. The next day, he came with introduction and more questions and I felt bad because I replied very half-heartedly. And I, myself could felt the sarcasm in all my messages that I replied.

I brought this up to my primary school friends. Guess what? This is a small small world. They happened to know him because they studied the same high school.

I told this story to my college friend, CY and M was there too. Both me and CY are said to be having high requirements on bf. But basically, we're just very dependent on feeling. No matter how good is that person, no feeling means no further engagement. By here means not even becoming friends.

My friends keep asking what are my criteria. They're really simple though - taller than me and able to talk about everything. My insurance agent laughed at me and said these criteria are hard to achieve, given that I'm taller than average girls.

Whatever. Humans are contradictory, anyway.

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