Sunday, April 2, 2017

Beauty and no beast

“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.”
Narrator [Beauty And The Beast]

I'm satisfied! *a big smile plastered on my face*

Actually I don't really remember the animation version, in fact I don't remember I ever watch that. But somehow I know how the story goes, and I wonder why the hell I know.

Basically, fairy tales are almost every girl's fantasies. No matter how the fairy tales being remade, I'm still loving them, especially the dancing scene, where the girl would wear the dress that every girl dreams of and the Prince would dress handsomely and they danced the perfect dance.

Fairy tales are not meant to be of common sense. Because there is no such perfect moment with perfect love in real life. But all these give us chance to live in fantasy once in a blue moon.

So what if when the beast returned to being human and is not a Prince charming but a fatty? Would you still choose him?

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