Monday, August 1, 2016

Reply 回覆

At the end,
I sent him a "Hi?"

And he replied, but I didn't read it immediately.
Instead, I switched off my data.
Hoping that, besides "Hi, how are you?",
There would be something more.

After few hours,
The conversation remained
At the moment before I switched off my data.
Alright, I forcefully replied standard answer - "I'm fine & you?"

Few moments later,
"I have been well too.
Sorry for not texting lately."

Ahh, sorry but no explanation.
Okay, fine!
"Is there any reason that I need to know?"

"Not particularly.
Just didn't feel like texting.
No reason at all."

"Okay. Got it.
Flash in the pan right?"

Thank you for not replying after that.
So that I know I can put a full stop right there.
Even though maybe it's just me that have to deal with the aftermath.

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