Monday, January 9, 2017

Festive season

Counting down to CNY. 

Ever since I working - especially current job, I have no idea how festive season should look like. What is festive season? Can eat one aa? Even reunion dinner also have to depend on the workload that day itself. If it's overload, means I might not be able to rush for my reunion dinner. I have never once missed it. I guess last year the date was just nice that we didn't clash. Talk about this just makes me hate my job further.

Growing up means missing event like this. No more visiting houses to houses, collecting angpau. And I'm getting older to collect any angpau. People will start shooting questions about my life, my work, my love, my everything... I don't think I have answer for all these just yet.

Working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. 

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